Today marked the fourth and final day of our adventures in Washington, D.C. Our day got off to an early start. After we woke up, we ate our homemade blueberry cheesecake pop tarts from Ted’s Bulletin (which were fantastic), and headed out for the day.
Arlington National Cemetery
We drove to Arlington National Cemetery, and after fighting the nightmarish DC morning traffic, closed roads, roundabouts that wouldn’t let you turn, and our GPS, we finally made it across the Memorial Bridge in to Arlington. It was very cold with a biting wind, so we didn’t spend an exorbitant amount of time taking pictures or exploring.
We saw JFK’s tomb and the eternal flame, Robert E. Lee’s house, and the Tomb of the Unknowns. We got to witness the changing of the guard, and a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb.
National Archives
We left Arlington and traveled back across the Potomac to the National Archives museum, and managed to find a metered parking space on the street outside. We waited in line for quite a while, but got to see the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, as well as other various important documents and drafts of important documents from our nation’s history.
We toured the museum exhibits, which were very interesting, but unfortunately we did not have time to see much, since we needed to hit the road. No photographs were allowed anywhere in the building, so I only have a picture of the outside.
Chicken Fiesta
We headed back to the car and hit the road towards Richmond. We stopped for lunch at a place called Chicken Fiesta (shout out to Daniel for recommending it), and got some outstanding Tex-Mex food. Payne and I got chicken quesadillas, and Cody got chicken nachos.
chicken Fiesta
Richmond, VA

Amazing Peruvian food – cheap and delicious.
* – Would definitely visit again
** – Exceptional, must visit if you’re in the area
*** – Worth making a special trip to eat there
The Treat Shop RVA
After lunch, we went to a place called The Treat Shop RVA and got some donuts. They were good, but not great–nothing special.
We hit the road again, make a quick stop for gas in Wilkesboro, and arrived back in Boone around 7:30pm.
It’s been a great trip, and we’ve enjoyed sharing it with you! I might write one more post as an addendum at some point, but I believe that’s all for now. If you’d like to see some photos I’ve taken from this trip and other trips, you can go to my photography website.
Thanks for keeping up with our travels, and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.
Until next time,
Isaac, Alex, and Cody